Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nativity Play in the Junior Room

Here are some memories from Our Nativity play in the Junior Room this year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Jokes

What kind of Christmas tree comes from Hawaii?
"O Tanning Palms"!

What do wild animals sing at Christmastime?
Jungle bells, jungle bells, jungle all the way!

What's the favourite Christmas Carol of new parents?
Silent Night!

Where do mistletoe go to become famous?
"Holly" wood!

What did one Christmas light say to the other Christmas light?
You light me up!

A Christmas thought:
STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward.

Why do Mummies like Christmas so much?
Because of all the wrapping!

Calendar 2009

Dates to Note

Dec. 22nd @7pm Christmas Service

Jan. 7th: Re-opening
Jan. 16th:Closing @ 12.30 for Teachers Meeting
Jan 18th :Prep.Mass for First Communion
(Choir Attend)
Feb. 13th:Closed
Feb. 15th :Prep.Mass for First Communion
(Choir Attend)
Feb. 16th & 17th: Mid-term
Feb. 18th: Re-opening
March 1st: Prep.Mass for First Communion
(Choir Attend)
April 3rd : Closing for Easter
April 5th Prep.Mass for
First Communion
(Choir Attend)
May 4th : Bank Holiday
May 9th : First Holy Communion
May 20th: Induction Meeting for Junior Infants 2009
May 29th : Confirmation School opened
June 1st :Bank Holiday
June 8th -11th :Trip to Wales for 4th and 5th Classes
June 14th: Mass for
First Communion
(Choir Attend)
June 26th :Closing for the Summer Holidays


The school will reopen on Jan. 7th 2009 at 9.10am

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Sweets-Oct 2008

Our 1st Class made delicious marzipan Sweets for Halloween!Here they are showing off the "Pumpkin" Sweets.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

School Calendar 2008-2009

Peterswell N.S.

Provisional Calendar 2008 – 2009.

Sept. 1st Re-opening.

Oct. 24th Closing for Halloween Break

Nov. 3rd Re-opening

Dec. 23rd Closing for Christmas Holidays


Jan. 7th Re-opening

Feb. 16th & 17th Closing for Mid-term Break

Apr 3rd Closing for Easter Holidays


Apr. 20th Re-opening

May 4th Closed – Bank Holiday

June 1st Closed – Bank Holiday

June 26th Closing for Summer Holidays.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rosie's Cart Visits our School

All the children in our school saw this wonderful show in our Assembly Hall just before Christmas. It was performed by Cups and Crowns Theatre Company.

The show was about a lady who helped a man who did not spend time with his sister anymore. He always did things on time and never changed his life. Rosie helped him understand that it was important to spend time with your family and to forgive people. Before we saw the show we did a workshop with Jay and had great fun playing games.

We hope we will see another show next year.

Bakers in the Junior Room

We had a wonderful morning on the day Mrs Forde said we were going to bake in the Cookery Kitchen.

We all made sure to wash our hands before handling food.

We made Croissants and Pain Au Chocolat. We ate them all at breaktime and everyone really enjoyed this food that is eaten in France everyday. Tres bien!

Christmas in Mrs Forde's Room

We love Christmas in Mrs Forde's room. The Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1s Class are not allowed to mention the 'S' word until the 1st of December. What is the 'S' word? 'Santa'!!!!!

We all had great fun getting ready for our Christmas Nativity Play. Mrs Forde, Moya and Ms Nolan helped us get our costumes ready. We also borrowed some costumes from Ms Nolan's classroom.

We performed the Play for our families on Thursday 20th December.Everyone remembered all their lines. We felt very proud.